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Table of the Latin Extended-A character set according to Unicode (same as Universal Character Set (UCS) of ISO 10646) for use in HTML documents.

decimal character entity Unicode (hex) description alternate
256 Ā Ā U+0100 Latin Capital Letter A with Macron
257 ā ā U+0101 Latin Small Letter A with Macron
258 Ă Ă U+0102 Latin Capital Letter A with Breve
259 ă ă U+0103 Latin Small Letter A with Breve
260 Ą Ą U+0104 Latin Capital Letter A with Ogonek
261 ą ą U+0105 Latin Small Letter A with Ogonek
262 Ć Ć U+0106 Latin Capital Letter C with Acute
263 ć ć U+0107 Latin Small Letter C with Acute
264 Ĉ Ĉ U+0108 Latin Capital Letter C with Circumflex
265 ĉ ĉ U+0109 Latin Small Letter C with Circumflex
266 Ċ Ċ U+010A Latin Capital Letter C with Dot above
267 ċ ċ U+010B Latin Small Letter C with Dot above
268 Č Č U+010C Latin Capital Letter C with Caron
269 č č U+010D Latin Small Letter C with Caron
270 Ď Ď U+010E Latin Capital Letter D with Caron
271 ď ď U+010F Latin Small Letter D with Caron
272 Đ Đ U+0110 Latin Capital Letter D with Stroke
273 đ đ U+0111 Latin Small Letter D with Stroke
274 Ē Ē U+0112 Latin Capital Letter E with Macron
275 ē ē U+0113 Latin Small Letter E with Macron
276 Ĕ Ĕ U+0114 Latin Capital Letter E with Breve
277 ĕ ĕ U+0115 Latin Small Letter E with Breve
278 Ė Ė U+0116 Latin Capital Letter E with Dot above
279 ė ė U+0117 Latin Small Letter E with Dot above
280 Ę Ę U+0118 Latin Capital Letter E with Ogonek
281 ę ę U+0119 Latin Small Letter E with Ogonek
282 Ě Ě U+011A Latin Capital Letter E with Caron
283 ě ě U+011B Latin Small Letter E with Caron
284 Ĝ Ĝ U+011C Latin Capital Letter G with Circumflex
285 ĝ ĝ U+011D Latin Small Letter G with Circumflex
286 Ğ Ğ U+011E Latin Capital Letter G with Breve
287 ğ ğ U+011F Latin Small Letter G with Breve
288 Ġ Ġ U+0120 Latin Capital Letter G with Dot above
289 ġ ġ U+0121 Latin Small Letter G with Dot above
290 Ģ Ģ U+0122 Latin Capital Letter G with Cedilla
291 ģ ģ U+0123 Latin Small Letter G with Cedilla
292 Ĥ Ĥ U+0124 Latin Capital Letter H with Circumflex
293 ĥ ĥ U+0125 Latin Small Letter H with Circumflex
294 Ħ Ħ U+0126 Latin Capital Letter H with Stroke
295 ħ ħ U+0127 Latin Small Letter H with Stroke
296 Ĩ Ĩ U+0128 Latin Capital Letter I with Tilde
297 ĩ ĩ U+0129 Latin Small Letter I with Tilde
298 Ī Ī U+012A Latin Capital Letter I with Macron
299 ī ī U+012B Latin Small Letter I with Macron
300 Ĭ Ĭ U+012C Latin Capital Letter I with Breve
301 ĭ ĭ U+012D Latin Small Letter I with Breve
302 Į Į U+012E Latin Capital Letter I with Ogonek
303 į į U+012F Latin Small Letter I with Ogonek
304 İ İ U+0130 Latin Capital Letter I with Dot above
305 ı ı U+0131 Latin Small Letter Dotless I ı ı
306 IJ IJ U+0132 Latin Capital Ligature IJ
307 ij ij U+0133 Latin Small Ligature IJ
308 Ĵ Ĵ U+0134 Latin Capital Letter J with Circumflex
309 ĵ ĵ U+0135 Latin Small Letter J with Circumflex
310 Ķ Ķ U+0136 Latin Capital Letter K with Cedilla
311 ķ ķ U+0137 Latin Small Letter K with Cedilla
312 ĸ ĸ U+0138 Latin Small Letter Kra
313 Ĺ Ĺ U+0139 Latin Capital Letter L with Acute
314 ĺ ĺ U+013A Latin Small Letter L with Acute
315 Ļ Ļ U+013B Latin Capital Letter L with Cedilla
316 ļ ļ U+013C Latin Small Letter L with Cedilla
317 Ľ Ľ U+013D Latin Capital Letter L with Caron
318 ľ ľ U+013E Latin Small Letter L with Caron
319 Ŀ Ŀ U+013F Latin Capital Letter L with Middle Dot
320 ŀ ŀ U+0140 Latin Small Letter L with Middle Dot
321 Ł Ł U+0141 Latin Capital Letter L with Stroke
322 ł ł U+0142 Latin Small Letter L with Stroke
323 Ń Ń U+0143 Latin Capital Letter N with Acute
324 ń ń U+0144 Latin Small Letter N with Acute
325 Ņ Ņ U+0145 Latin Capital Letter N with Cedilla
326 ņ ņ U+0146 Latin Small Letter N with Cedilla
327 Ň Ň U+0147 Latin Capital Letter N with Caron
328 ň ň U+0148 Latin Small Letter N with Caron
329 ʼn ʼn U+0149 Latin Small Letter N preceded by Apostrophe
330 Ŋ Ŋ U+014A Latin Capital Letter Eng
331 ŋ ŋ U+014B Latin Small Letter Eng
332 Ō Ō U+014C Latin Capital Letter O with Macron
333 ō ō U+014D Latin Small Letter O with Macron
334 Ŏ Ŏ U+014E Latin Capital Letter O with Breve
335 ŏ ŏ U+014F Latin Small Letter O with Breve
336 Ő Ő U+0150 Latin Capital Letter O with Double Acute
337 ő ő U+0151 Latin Small Letter O with Double Acute
338 Œ Œ U+0152 Latin Capital Ligature OE Œ Œ
339 œ œ U+0153 Latin Small Ligature OE œ œ
340 Ŕ Ŕ U+0154 Latin Capital Letter R with Acute
341 ŕ ŕ U+0155 Latin Small Letter R with Acute
342 Ŗ Ŗ U+0156 Latin Capital Letter R with Cedilla
343 ŗ ŗ U+0157 Latin Small Letter R with Cedilla
344 Ř Ř U+0158 Latin Capital Letter R with Caron
345 ř ř U+0159 Latin Small Letter R with Caron
346 Ś Ś U+015A Latin Capital Letter S with Acute
347 ś ś U+015B Latin Small Letter S with Acute
348 Ŝ Ŝ U+015C Latin Capital Letter S with Circumflex
349 ŝ ŝ U+015D Latin Small Letter S with Circumflex
350 Ş Ş U+015E Latin Capital Letter S with Cedilla
351 ş ş U+015F Latin Small Letter S with Cedilla
352 Š Š U+0160 Latin Capital Letter S with Caron Š Š
353 š š U+0161 Latin Small Letter S with Caron š š
354 Ţ Ţ U+0162 Latin Capital Letter T with Cedilla
355 ţ ţ U+0163 Latin Small Letter T with Cedilla
356 Ť Ť U+0164 Latin Capital Letter T with Caron
357 ť ť U+0165 Latin Small Letter T with Caron
358 Ŧ Ŧ U+0166 Latin Capital Letter T with Stroke
359 ŧ ŧ U+0167 Latin Small Letter T with Stroke
360 Ũ Ũ U+0168 Latin Capital Letter U with Tilde
361 ũ ũ U+0169 Latin Small Letter U with Tilde
362 Ū Ū U+016A Latin Capital Letter U with Macron
363 ū ū U+016B Latin Small Letter U with Macron
364 Ŭ Ŭ U+016C Latin Capital Letter U with Breve
365 ŭ ŭ U+016D Latin Small Letter U with Breve
366 Ů Ů U+016E Latin Capital Letter U with Ring above
367 ů ů U+016F Latin Small Letter U with Ring above
368 Ű Ű U+0170 Latin Capital Letter U with Double Acute
369 ű ű U+0171 Latin Small Letter U with Double Acute
370 Ų Ų U+0172 Latin Capital Letter U with Ogonek
371 ų ų U+0173 Latin Small Letter U with Ogonek
372 Ŵ Ŵ U+0174 Latin Capital Letter W with Circumflex
373 ŵ ŵ U+0175 Latin Small Letter W with Circumflex
374 Ŷ Ŷ U+0176 Latin Capital Letter Y with Circumflex
375 ŷ ŷ U+0177 Latin Small Letter Y with Circumflex
376 Ÿ Ÿ U+0178 Latin Capital Letter Y with Diaeresis Ÿ Ÿ
377 Ź Ź U+0179 Latin Capital Letter Z with Acute
378 ź ź U+017A Latin Small Letter Z with Acute
379 Ż Ż U+017B Latin Capital Letter Z with Dot above
380 ż ż U+017C Latin Small Letter Z with Dot above
381 Ž Ž U+017D Latin Capital Letter Z with Caron
382 ž ž U+017E Latin Small Letter Z with Caron
383 ſ ſ U+017F Latin Small Letter Long S

In order to display all of the special characters in the second column above, your browser must support Unicode and be able to display more than one character set simultaneously. I recommend Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 or higher and Netscape Navigator version 6 or higher.


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Last updated Apr. 21, 2001, by Robbin D. Knapp robb@robbsbooks.com.