Homepage Robb: C1 Controls & Latin-1 Supplement

Table of the C1 Controls & Latin-1 Supplement character set according to Unicode (same as Universal Character Set (UCS) of ISO 10646) for use in HTML documents.

decimal character entity Unicode (hex) description alternate
128 &#128; U+0080 <control>
129  &#129; U+0081 <control>
130 &#130; U+0082 <control>
131 ƒ &#131; U+0083 <control>
132 &#132; U+0084 <control>
133 &#133; U+0085 <control>
134 &#134; U+0086 <control>
135 &#135; U+0087 <control>
136 ˆ &#136; U+0088 <control>
137 &#137; U+0089 <control>
138 Š &#138; U+008A <control>
139 &#139; U+008B <control>
140 Œ &#140; U+008C <control>
141  &#141; U+008D <control>
142 Ž &#142; U+008E <control>
143  &#143; U+008F <control>
144  &#144; U+0090 <control>
145 &#145; U+0091 <control>
146 &#146; U+0092 <control>
147 &#147; U+0093 <control>
148 &#148; U+0094 <control>
149 &#149; U+0095 <control>
150 &#150; U+0096 <control>
151 &#151; U+0097 <control>
152 ˜ &#152; U+0098 <control>
153 &#153; U+0099 <control>
154 š &#154; U+009A <control>
155 &#155; U+009B <control>
156 œ &#156; U+009C <control>
157  &#157; U+009D <control>
158 ž &#158; U+009E <control>
159 Ÿ &#159; U+009F <control>
160   &#160; U+00A0 No-Break Space   &nbsp;
161 ¡ &#161; U+00A1 Inverted Exclamation Mark ¡ &iexcl;
162 ¢ &#162; U+00A2 Cent Sign ¢ &cent;
163 £ &#163; U+00A3 Pound Sign £ &pound;
164 ¤ &#164; U+00A4 Currency Sign ¤ &curren;
165 ¥ &#165; U+00A5 Yen Sign ¥ &yen;
166 ¦ &#166; U+00A6 Broken Bar ¦ &brvbar;
167 § &#167; U+00A7 Section Sign § &sect;
168 ¨ &#168; U+00A8 Diaeresis (Umlaut) ¨ &uml;
169 © &#169; U+00A9 Copyright Sign © &copy;
170 ª &#170; U+00AA Feminine Ordinal Indicator ª &ordf;
171 « &#171; U+00AB Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark « &laquo;
172 ¬ &#172; U+00AC Not Sign ¬ &not;
173 ­ &#173; U+00AD Soft Hyphen &shy;
174 ® &#174; U+00AE Registered Sign ® &reg;
175 ¯ &#175; U+00AF Macron ¯ &macr;
176 ° &#176; U+00B0 Degree Sign ° &deg;
177 ± &#177; U+00B1 Plus-Minus Sign ± &plusmn;
178 ² &#178; U+00B2 Superscript Two ² &sup2;
179 ³ &#179; U+00B3 Superscript Three ³ &sup3;
180 ´ &#180; U+00B4 Acute Accent ´ &acute;
181 µ &#181; U+00B5 Micro Sign µ &micro;
182 &#182; U+00B6 Pilcrow Sign (Paragraph) ¶ &para;
183 · &#183; U+00B7 Middle Dot · &middot;
184 ¸ &#184; U+00B8 Cedilla ¸ &cedil;
185 ¹ &#185; U+00B9 Superscript One ¹ &sup1;
186 º &#186; U+00BA Masculine Ordinal Indicator º &ordm;
187 » &#187; U+00BB Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark » &raquo;
188 ¼ &#188; U+00BC Vulgar Fraction One Quarter ¼ &frac14;
189 ½ &#189; U+00BD Vulgar Fraction One Half ½ &frac12;
190 ¾ &#190; U+00BE Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters ¾ &frac34;
191 ¿ &#191; U+00BF Inverted Question Mark ¿ &iquest;
192 À &#192; U+00C0 Latin Capital Letter A with Grave À &Agrave;
193 Á &#193; U+00C1 Latin Capital Letter A with Acute Á &Aacute;
194  &#194; U+00C2 Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex  &Acirc;
195 à &#195; U+00C3 Latin Capital Letter A with Tilde à &Atilde;
196 Ä &#196; U+00C4 Latin Capital Letter A with Diaeresis (Umlaut) Ä &Auml;
197 Å &#197; U+00C5 Latin Capital Letter A with Ring above Å &Aring;
198 Æ &#198; U+00C6 Latin Capital Letter AE (ligature) Æ &AElig;
199 Ç &#199; U+00C7 Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla Ç &Ccedil;
200 È &#200; U+00C8 Latin Capital Letter E with Grave È &Egrave;
201 É &#201; U+00C9 Latin Capital Letter E with Acute É &Eacute;
202 Ê &#202; U+00CA Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex Ê &Ecirc;
203 Ë &#203; U+00CB Latin Capital Letter E with Diaeresis (Umlaut) Ë &Euml;
204 Ì &#204; U+00CC Latin Capital Letter I with Grave Ì &Igrave;
205 Í &#205; U+00CD Latin Capital Letter I with Acute Í &Iacute;
206 Î &#206; U+00CE Latin Capital Letter I with Circumflex Î &Icirc;
207 Ï &#207; U+00CF Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis (Umlaut) Ï &Iuml;
208 Ð &#208; U+00D0 Latin Capital Letter Eth Ð &ETH;
209 Ñ &#209; U+00D1 Latin Capital Letter N with Tilde Ñ &Ntilde;
210 Ò &#210; U+00D2 Latin Capital Letter O with Grave Ò &Ograve;
211 Ó &#211; U+00D3 Latin Capital Letter O with Acute Ó &Oacute;
212 Ô &#212; U+00D4 Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex Ô &Ocirc;
213 Õ &#213; U+00D5 Latin Capital Letter O with Tilde Õ &Otilde;
214 Ö &#214; U+00D6 Latin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis (Umlaut) Ö &Ouml;
215 × &#215; U+00D7 Multiplication Sign (Times) × &times;
216 Ø &#216; U+00D8 Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke (Slash) Ø &Oslash;
217 Ù &#217; U+00D9 Latin Capital Letter U with Grave Ù &Ugrave;
218 Ú &#218; U+00DA Latin Capital Letter U with Acute Ú &Uacute;
219 Û &#219; U+00DB Latin Capital Letter U with Circumflex Û &Ucirc;
220 Ü &#220; U+00DC Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis (Umlaut) Ü &Uuml;
221 Ý &#221; U+00DD Latin Capital Letter Y with Acute Ý &Yacute;
222 Þ &#222; U+00DE Latin Capital Letter Thorn Þ &THORN;
223 ß &#223; U+00DF Latin Small Letter Sharp S (SZ ligature) ß &szlig;
224 à &#224; U+00E0 Latin Small Letter A with Grave à &agrave;
225 á &#225; U+00E1 Latin Small Letter A with Acute á &aacute;
226 â &#226; U+00E2 Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex â &acirc;
227 ã &#227; U+00E3 Latin Small Letter A with Tilde ã &atilde;
228 ä &#228; U+00E4 Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis (Umlaut) ä &auml;
229 å &#229; U+00E5 Latin Small Letter A with Ring above å &aring;
230 æ &#230; U+00E6 Latin Small Letter AE (ligature) æ &aelig;
231 ç &#231; U+00E7 Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla ç &ccedil;
232 è &#232; U+00E8 Latin Small Letter E with Grave è &egrave;
233 é &#233; U+00E9 Latin Small Letter E with Acute é &eacute;
234 ê &#234; U+00EA Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex ê &ecirc;
235 ë &#235; U+00EB Latin Small Letter E with Diaeresis (Umlaut) ë &euml;
236 ì &#236; U+00EC Latin Small Letter I with Grave ì &igrave;
237 í &#237; U+00ED Latin Small Letter I with Acute í &iacute;
238 î &#238; U+00EE Latin Small Letter I with Circumflex î &icirc;
239 ï &#239; U+00EF Latin Small Letter I with Diaeresis (Umlaut) ï &iuml;
240 ð &#240; U+00F0 Latin Small Letter Eth ð &eth;
241 ñ &#241; U+00F1 Latin Small Letter N with Tilde ñ &ntilde;
242 ò &#242; U+00F2 Latin Small Letter O with Grave ò &ograve;
243 ó &#243; U+00F3 Latin Small Letter O with Acute ó &oacute;
244 ô &#244; U+00F4 Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex ô &ocirc;
245 õ &#245; U+00F5 Latin Small Letter O with Tilde õ &otilde;
246 ö &#246; U+00F6 Latin Small Letter O with Diaeresis (Umlaut) ö &ouml;
247 ÷ &#247; U+00F7 Division Sign (Divided by) ÷ &divide;
248 ø &#248; U+00F8 Latin Small Letter O with Stroke (Slash) ø &oslash;
249 ù &#249; U+00F9 Latin Small Letter U with Grave ù &ugrave;
250 ú &#250; U+00FA Latin Small Letter U with Acute ú &uacute;
251 û &#251; U+00FB Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex û &ucirc;
252 ü &#252; U+00FC Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis (Umlaut) ü &uuml;
253 ý &#253; U+00FD Latin Small Letter Y with Acute ý &yacute;
254 þ &#254; U+00FE Latin Small Letter Thorn þ &thorn;
255 ÿ &#255; U+00FF Latin Small Letter Y with Diaeresis (Umlaut) ÿ &yuml;

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Copyright 2000-08 Robbin D. Knapp robb@robbsbooks.com.